
King of Light

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King of Light


This bundle contains...

The Ultimate Gobo Pack

5.0 (8)
  • Qty: 1

GeoLights Pro

4.5 (4)
  • Qty: 1


5.0 (6)
  • Qty: 1

Discount active until 17-03-2025
price before discount: 41,-
price now: 22,-



The Master Formula To Professional Lighting in Blender

Increase Photorealism, Without Years of Practice in Less Than 5 Seconds...

If you want to make high-quality renders, you need good lighting. 

Do you want:
- Quick & Easy Lighting?
- High Quality Renders?
- The Newest Lighting Setup Available?
- One of the Biggest Lighting Packs?
- Drag & Drop Ease-of-Use?

Then The Ultimate Gobo Pack is for you...

I used to add some arealamps to play around with all the settings and it costs a lot of time, but I figured this could be done a lot better, faster and easier.

You see, I used to struggle with lighting big time.

Putting considerable effort into models, texturing and the latest tricks I could find. 

However, the fundamentals of a good render, video, picture, painting or basically any artwork = Lighting

That's why I created The Ultimate Gobo Pack

Blender Light Textures

What is a Gobo?

A Gobo gives you instant lighting quality.

If you look around, you'll see different types of shadows and lights in different environments.

Think of light coming through the window, light passing through the leaves of a forest or shadows of persons and objects on the street. 

Shortly said: a Gobo is a light texture.  Now imagine you can simply drag and drop the most realistic and intricate details in your scene, without any effort.

Think of the quality improvement and how much time you would save. To be honest, life is short and we shouldn't spend it on menial tasks over and over again.

You want to reach the full capacity of your creativity, without being held back by time-constraints or boring work. 

You can use Gobos to add highly detailed lighting and shadows in no-time which increases the quality of your art. 

How does it work?

The Ultimate Gobopack allows you to drag-and-drop professional lighting in your scene using the asset browser. 

Not only will your render look better instantly, it will also be more flexible to change your setup. You use the controls in the light properties to increase the softness, power and size. 

Alright, so what's in it?

This is what you'll get: 

- 365 Gobos in total

- 72 Animated Gobos

- 8 Procedural Gobos

- New categories you've never seen before

I'll show you exactly what you'll get later on, but first:

Why this gobopack?

I've seen other Gobopacks as well. They aren't necessarily bad, but all of them contain less gobos, have less categories and don't allow you to unlock full creativity.

Other gobopacks are only procedural, and although it may seem like this gives you more control, it also has its limitations.  Certain windows and shadows simply can't be made using procedural gobos.

You'll be missing out on high quality details. Try making a procedural arabian window, procedural person or animals.

You won't be able to find anything that has to be handcrafted in order to actually be good.

I've decided to add it all:

1. More Gobos

2. Procedural Gobos

3. Animated Gobos

4. New Categories

In this way, you'll always get whatever you need, without any limitations. It works in Blender 3.6, 4.0 and 4.1. (It probably also works in older versions, but I didn't test that)

Here are all the categories:

Color Abstract





Real Glass Caustics






House Objects



Popular Symbols



Street Objects


Real Trees

Cg Trees



Window + CG tree 1

Window + CG Tree 2

Window + Water Droplets

Window + Real Tree 1

Window + Real Tree 2

Window + Dead Tree

Here's a couple of Procedural Gobos. Using the sliders you can basically make your own gobo!

Procedural Window

Procedural Fan

Procedural Edge

Here are some renders to spark your imagination!

The Intellectual Warrior in The Forest. In Naturescenes Tree gobos look really good and add a lot to the render!

Caustics is a phenomenon that happens due to the refraction of light in water, glass, ice and you name it. (This fish under the ice definitely knows how cool caustics are)

Naturally, architectural render can benefit from windowgobos, trees and even plants or house objects!

Using Gobos you can convey a story. This person is entering a scary place. I didn't have to model a person though...

Gobos can help convey an emotion. The waterdroplets on the window subconsciously give an ambience to this render. Who knows what happens? All I know is that it might have been sad or dark...

Here's what you get in The Ultimate Gobopack:

1. All 365 Gobos which contain:
- Still Gobos
- Animated Gobos
- Looping Gobos
- Procedural Gobos

2. Lifetime Guarantee on all future versions
- Once you get this pack, you won't have to spend a dime for releases of future versions.
As a matter of fact, I encourage requests so I can make this even better tailored to your needs!

Other gobopacks online offer Less gobos & No procedural Gobos for a Higher Price.
This Gobopack is worth at least 24,99, but you can get it for 15,99...

So you'll get The Ultimate Gobopack with a Lifetime guarantee on all future versions. 
Basically for the price of a couple of happy meals, but then for years worth of value. 

Get Your Ultimate Gobo Pack Now

PS: You'll also get a discount on all future products I upload, since you'll become a member of my highly secretive Blender Illuminati Club.

The First, Fastest and Only Procedural Lighting In Blender

"Make Lighting 4x Faster in Blender, Without Years of Experience"

Try this and your lighting will be smoother than 5 subdivisions on a smooth-shaded UV Sphere

Usually you add like 3 arealamps and move them around, change the settings and power.

But then you find out it actually doesn't look good and you have to do everything again.

You make manual changes over and over until you've wasted your precious hours on menial tasks that can be done in less than a minute.

This is HISTORY with Geolights Pro

Forget about:
- Robotic Tasks
- Mediocre Lighting
- Pre-made lighting setups.

If you want professional lighting in a matter of seconds...
Take back control

Terminate the Robot in You...
I used to spend way too much time on lighting plain and normal scenes. I've wasted countless of hours and money doing robotstuff.

Newsflash: I'm not a robot. I'm a creative individual that likes to actually make cool renders.

Spending time on the same things over and over is a waste of my talent and creative potential.

You know who does the same things over and over everyday? A machine in a factory.

That's not the goal of Blender. It's meant for creative people

So Do You Want:
- The Fastest Lighting Setup in Existence?
- Full Control with 6x Less Clicking?
- More Time For Meaningful Creations?
- Ready-Made Lighting With The Click of A Button?

Then GeoLights Pro is for you...

Case Study Shows Speed:
GeoLights Pro is a Geometry node setup that makes it easy to achieve professional lighting setups, without doing all the hard work.

I timed the difference with a stopwatch.
These are the results:

Making a single lighting setup with three arealamps and blackbody added costs 97 seconds. I did it as quickly as possible.

With Geolights pro I did it in 25 seconds. (which is approximately 4x Faster)

Now imagine if I had to make changes in these setups...
Geolights Pro would probably be 10 or 20 times faster.
The more changes, the more time you'll save.

This means that it's also easier to play around with your lighting to see what you like.

There is less emotional attachment to a specific lighting setup, because you haven't spend much time on it.

No more useless tasks to move lights around.
No more endless clicking and adjusting.
No more recreating the same single lighting setup again and again.

Simply use the sliders to create your beautiful scenes faster than ever before!

This will help:
- Save time
- Create Professional Lighting
- Make Changes Easily
- Make Multiple Setups to Compare Results
- Proceduralize Your Lighting Workflow

I personally use this Lighting Add-on for 75% percent of my Product Renders.

Sure there are times I need to call in some help from a Gobo, but this works smoother a bevel with 17 segments...

I now work creatively on projects I love that feel fulfilling.

Product With Complex Textures (Glass & Metallic) Lit Using only GeoLights Pro

Okay, what can it do?
1. Add lights with the click of a button
2. Rotate and move your lights around with easy sliders
3. Change the position of all lights with a single click.
4. Change the strength and temperature all in one place
5. Add an extra light on top for hairlight or other purposes
6. Everything is customizable!

GeoLights Pro for Product

What GeoLights Pro Looks Like in Action

Everything in One Place

Your entire workflow will speed up and it's really fun to play around with the sliders.

If you work with a three-point lighting setup, this will work especially well. Normally you'd have to change everything manually and it can be quite a lot of work.

Now you simply play around with the sliders to get a beautiful lighting setup in a matter of seconds!

GeoLights Pro used in Product Animation

It can be added as an asset to the Modifier tab. You don't even need to use the asset browser!

You can add a plane, go to the modifier tab and type geolights.

You can now add it as a modifier.

No need to go into the asset browser. I've placed instructions in the file itself if you want to add it to your modifierstack!

Fast & Easy

Nothing gives you a faster lighting setup than GeoLights Pro. The ease-of-use is also a big plus for anybody doing product- or characterlighting. The usual lighting process was way to slow. GeoLights Pro will skyrocket your lighting speed.

This is how it works:

Do you still make different lighting setups and move everything around?

Then go into each lamp seperately to change the power?

And when you're not happy with the result, you have to do everything again?

And then in the next project you have to do it all AGAIN?!

Well, not anymore!

Get Your GeoLights Pro!

Notice: Unauthorized Resale or Redistribution Prohibited

This product is protected under copyright and intellectual property laws. Any attempt to resell, distribute, or otherwise transfer ownership without explicit permission is strictly prohibited. Such actions undermine the integrity of our work and violate legal agreements. We kindly request that all individuals respect our rights and refrain from engaging in unauthorized resale or redistribution. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding."

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